Sunday, February 16, 2025
1300 Hours - 1400 Hours
Somewhere in Gloucester County
Fox Hunt 32 : Winter Fox Hunt
Sunday, February 16, 2025 1300 - 1400 Hours Winter Fun For The Whole Family! Al Arrison, KB2AYU will be “The Fox” this time. Everyone needs to checked in on the 147.180 repeater by 1300 Hours. There will be some brief instructions, then the Club’s foxhunt transmitter will be switched on by Al somewhere in Gloucester County. Al will send further instructions in an e-mail on the Club’s reflector by Saturday, February 15, 2025. The basic idea is that the closer you get to the transmitter, the stronger the signal. The first to find it has the privilege of hiding it for others to find next time. Those who find it will step away to allow others to keep hunting for it. If anyone has not found it within an hour, we’ll help talk them in to the finish, where we will pose for a post-hunt group photo, and share hunt stories together. Sound fun? It really is! Hope to see you there! Transmitter Frequency :