"Got My License, Now What"
W2MMD Clubhouse
An evening of exposure to “Where Do I Go From Here!” items that will hopefully help to guide the new or recently upgraded ham to Amateur Radio activities in which those individuals may have an interest.
"Got My License, Now What!"
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 @ 1800 Hours
- Overview of Amateur Radio Opportunities :
- Repeaters
- HF
- Satellites and Other Extraterrestrial
- VHF / UHF Activities
- Operating Tips
- Meet Club Subject Matter Experts
"Got My License, Now What!"
Monday, July 15, 2024 @ 1800 Hours
"Got My License, Now What!"
Monday, November 27, 2023 @ 1800 Hours
“Got My License, Now What?” Class
By Jon Pearce, WB2MNF
Because of the success of the Club's licensing classes there are many new Technician licensees looking at the world of Amateur Radio and wondering what to do next. On Monday, November 27, 2023 the GCARC held its first “Got My License, Now What?” class for about a dozen new Technicians who are interested in finding out more about this great hobby. The session covered multiple topics with Tony Starr K3TS describing HF operation, antennas, and Field Day; Ron Block NR2B covering handheld radio operation; John O'Connell K2QA describing software defined radios; Mike Thompson KG4JYA covering VHF operation; and me covering satellite operations. John Zaruba K2ZA also filled in on POTA and several other topics.
The reactions were quite favorable with many participants noting that they weren’t familiar with several of the areas discussed and had recommendations for topics that should be presented in greater depth. We were also able to connect several attendees with members who could assist them in a particular area of interest, which was a primary goal of the event.
This session was also a testbed for the curriculum that we had developed and several changes were clear; for example the participants were more familiar with HT operation than we had envisioned so future sessions will probably go more in-depth into HT programming and troubleshooting. We’ll hold these sessions occasionally whenever new groups of Techs get licensed.
By Jon Pearce, WB2MNF
Because of the success of the Club's licensing classes there are many new Technician licensees looking at the world of Amateur Radio and wondering what to do next. On Monday, November 27, 2023 the GCARC held its first “Got My License, Now What?” class for about a dozen new Technicians who are interested in finding out more about this great hobby. The session covered multiple topics with Tony Starr K3TS describing HF operation, antennas, and Field Day; Ron Block NR2B covering handheld radio operation; John O'Connell K2QA describing software defined radios; Mike Thompson KG4JYA covering VHF operation; and me covering satellite operations. John Zaruba K2ZA also filled in on POTA and several other topics.
The reactions were quite favorable with many participants noting that they weren’t familiar with several of the areas discussed and had recommendations for topics that should be presented in greater depth. We were also able to connect several attendees with members who could assist them in a particular area of interest, which was a primary goal of the event.
This session was also a testbed for the curriculum that we had developed and several changes were clear; for example the participants were more familiar with HT operation than we had envisioned so future sessions will probably go more in-depth into HT programming and troubleshooting. We’ll hold these sessions occasionally whenever new groups of Techs get licensed.