January 2013
Let me begin by wishing everyone a very Happy New Year. 2012 was another good year for the club and I thought I’d list some of the major accomplishments we achieved.
- The club continued its community involvement with support of the Pitman Bike Races, MS Walks and City to Shore Bike tour, Pitman Crop Walk, support of BSA Troop 9 at both our Field Day and Hamfest, ARES/RACES disaster exercises and support of storm victims in Atlantic, Cumberland and Gloucester County.
- The club ended the year with a balanced budget.
- We had an enjoyable and fun filled Field Day and profitable Hamfest.
- We had enjoyable and informative monthly club programs and two fox hunts.
- The club received donations in the way of a new old 2 meter repeater and clubhouse.
- Increased general membership.
I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank outgoing board member, Gene, AA2YO and trustee, Mike, N2SRO for their service the past several years and to welcome the following individuals:
- Mark, W2OCY, board member for a three year term
- Jeff, WB2ZBN, board member for a three year term
- Bill, W4WCS, trustee for a four year term
2013 is already starting out great in that Jim, N2GXJ has already lined up programs for the first half of the year including speakers that will be of interest to our entire membership. And I believe he’s currently looking into the possibility of arranging for an early summer club picnic which would be a great opportunity to meet each others families. By all accounts we’ll also be busy the first quarter setting the new trailer in place and disposing of the old one plus conducting work on the inside.
Finally, on behalf of the officers, board members and club trustees, I want to thank our general membership for its support during the past year and we look forward to everyone’s involvement in 2013.
Tom, KE2ES
February 2013
We were saddened to learn of the passing of long time club member, Russ Glans, N2ASV. Russ was also a life time member of the club and will be surely missed by all.
February is upon us and with it comes Groundhog Day, Super Bowl Sunday, Mardi Gras, Valentines and Presidents Day. For our February 6th meeting, Jim, N2GXJ has arranged for QRP legends, George Herron, N2APB and Joe Everhart, N2CX to be our guest speakers. They will both present several homebrew projects that guarantee to be of interest to all those in attendance.
The Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society is sponsoring the Frostfest, the Mid-Atlantic’s largest winter hamfest on Saturday, February 2nd Additional information can be found at http://www.frostfest.com.
Jim, N2GXJ has also scheduled the GCARC “Winter Classic” mobile fox hunt to occur on Sunday, February 10th.
The Gloucester City Amateur Radio club will host its hamfest on Saturday, February 23. Complete details can be found at http://www.nj2gc.org
In conjunction with Frank McLaughlin, KC2ROW and OEM Coordinator for Monroe Township, Marty, W2ILT has begun Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) classes in Gloucester County. Classes are a total of 20 hours and are being held on both Tuesday evenings and Saturdays at the Williamstown Public Library.
Tom, KE2ES
March 2013
March is upon us and with it comes the following dates to remember:
- March 2 & 3 – ARRL International DX Contest – SSB
- March 6 – General membership meeting – Program will be on Lightning Protection presented by Ron Block, NR2B
- March 10 – Daylight Savings Time begins; North American RTTY Sprint
- March 16 – Trenton Computer Festival 2013
- March 17 – St Patrick’s Day
- March 20 – First Day of Spring
- March 20 – First Day of Spring
- March 24 – Palm Sunday
- March 29 – Good Friday
- March 30 & 31– CQWW WPX SSB Contest
- March 31 – Easter Sunday
New trailer update:
Master Welder Joe, KC2PHM repaired the trailer hitch and both he and Frank, W2FJM recently installed it. The trailer can now be safely moved into position once the foundation is in place. Bill, N2VIL is awaiting construction code requirements on the foundation from Harrison Township. Chuck, WA2TML is working with our insurance company regarding providing adequate coverage.
Walk MS takes place on April 21, May 4 and May 5 at 14 sites across the Greater Delaware Valley. The Washington Lake Park walk is scheduled for Sunday, May 5. Parvin State Park has been cancelled this year. More details will follow.
Dues Reminder:
For those who have not yet paid their club dues for 2013
Now is the time! Full members: $20 Family Members living at the same address: $10
Payable to the Treasurer at the club meeting or mail a check for "GCARC" to the post office box listed below.
PO Box 370
Pitman, NJ 08071
ARRL Membership:
As a member of the ARRL, for as little as $39.00 per year, here are some of the benefits you will enjoy:
- QST Magazine – your monthly membership journal
- Online Services –
- QST online monthly digital edition
- QST Archive and Periodical Search
- Product Review Archive
- Email forwarding
- E-Newsletters – delivered to your inbox
- A voice in the affairs of ARRL and ham radio through locally appointed volunteers
- Publication Specials and on-line course discounts
- Emergency Communication Services
- Technical and Regulatory Information Services
- Operating Awards
- Ham Radio Equipment Insurance Plan Available
- Outgoing Foreign QSL Service
- Plus much more!
In closing, congratulations are in order for Jim Wright, N2GXJ who recently became a Life Member of the Gloucester County Amateur Radio Club.
Thanks and 73,
Tom, KE2ES
April 2013
April is upon us and with it comes nice weather to start planning those new antenna projects. As for me, I’ll be erecting a new Force 12 C-3SS tri-band yagi on top of bracketed crank-up tower. It has been over 30 years since I’ve operated with a beam so I’m very much looking forward to getting it up and working that DX.
The Dayton hamfest is scheduled for May 17-19. For additional info please visit http://www.hamvention.org
The Warminster Amateur Radio Club will hold its hamfest on Sunday, May 5, 2013 (rain or shine). It opens at 7 am (vendors at 6 am). For more info: Web: www.k3dn.org/hamfest.htm Hamfest and vendor contact: Rich Luce; phone: 215-703-8264; email: hamfest13 <at> k3dn <dot> org
World Amateur Radio Day 2013 Each year on April 18, radio amateurs around the world celebrate World Amateur Radio Day, commemorating the day that the International Amateur Radio Union was founded in 1925. In 1913, the first recorded instance of amateur radio being used to provide communications in a natural disaster was noted, during severe flooding in the Midwest United States. Accordingly, the theme of the event for 2013 is Amateur Radio: Entering Its Second Century of Disaster Communications. Activities on World Amateur Radio Day 2013 can be a great opportunity to spread the word about what the hams are doing in the field of disaster communications in the 21st century.
ARRL Rookie Roundup – Phone The weather's getting warmer, and that means the SSB Rookie Roundup is just around the corner! This year's SSB 'RR will be on Sunday, April 21 from 1800 - 2359 UTC.
Any operator licensed any time during 2013, 2012 or 2011 qualifies as a Rookie. Work as many stations as you can in as many different states, Canadian provinces, Mexican districts as possible. DX stations can get in on the fun, too! If you were licensed prior to 2011, get on the air and work the Rookies, help a Rookie get on the air, or help your club members put together a team. Elmering the Rookies and working them is important, too!
Clubs can promote either a Multi-operator effort (several Rookies operating from the same station) or a team effort (up to 5 Single-Operator Rookies operating from their own stations and combining their score). Let's see how many team rivalries we can drum up!
Check with Kenny, W2KRD on the complete rules, along with score summary submission instructions. Don't forget, all entrants must fill out the score summary form by 2359 UTC Wednesday, April 24. No late entries will be accepted! Hope to work you on the 21st! CQ RR!
On April 10, 2013, the NWSFO Mount Holly is offering another free webinar for SKYWARN for all those that weren’t able to take the last one. Follow the link below for more information and registration information. http://www.erh.noaa.gov/phi/webinar.html
73, Tom, KE2ES
May 2013
May is upon us and with it comes Mothers Day, Armed Forces and Memorial Day.
The Warminster Amateur Radio Club will hold its hamfest on Sunday, May 5, 2013 (rain or shine). It opens at 7 am (vendors at 6 am). For more info: Web: www.k3dn.org/hamfest.htm Hamfest and vendor contact: Rich Luce; phone: 215-703-8264; email: hamfest13 <at> k3dn <dot> org
The Dayton hamfest is scheduled for May 17-19. For additional info please visit http://www.hamvention.org
Through the fine efforts of Cory, WA3UVV, and John, K2ZA, a Technician Amateur Radio class was given late April at the Camden County Emergency Training Center. Appreciation is extended to the South Jersey Radio Association (SJRA) for providing a team of VEs, including Al, N3AVT, VE Team Leader, along with examination material on very short notice.
Also, several of us were given a private tour of the radio room onboard the Battleship NJ by our very own Harry, AA2WN who is also President of their radio club.
Bill, N2VIL is doing a great job managing the new trailer project. This includes handling all the various building code permits with the Township. Several volunteers have already volunteered their time which is greatly appreciated.
In the Report and Order in WT Docket No. 10-177, the Commission amended the rules concerning radiotelegraph operator licenses, effective May 20, 2013. The Commission consolidated First Class Radiotelegraph Operator’s Certificates (T1) and Second Class Radiotelegraph Operator’s Certificates (T2) into a new license class, the Radiotelegraph Operator License (T). This change takes effect with respect to existing licenses upon renewal – that is, T1s and T2s renewed on or after May 20, 2013 will be renewed as Ts, but existing T1s and T2s will retain their current license class for the duration of the current license term. The Commission also consolidated Third Class Radiotelegraph Operator’s Certificates (T3) with Marine Radio Operator Permits (MP) – T3s renewed on or after May 20, 2013 will be renewed as MPs, but existing T3s will retain their current license class for the duration of the current license term. Also, no applications for new T1s, T2s, or T3s will be accepted as of May 20, 2013.
Effective April 10, the SJRA began offering free monthly Amateur Radio License examinations in West Berlin. For more information please visit www.sjra.org
Through the efforts of Marty, W2ILT and Monroe OEM Coordinator, Frank McLaughlin, KC2ROW, several club members received their CERT diploma at a formal graduation ceremony at Monroe Township Town Council Meeting on April 22.
Finally, Amateur Radio’s most popular on-air operating contest entitled Field Day is planned for the weekend of June 22 & 23.
Best 73,
Tom, KE2ES
June 2013
June is upon us and with it comes Museum Ships Weekend, Father’s Day, the beginning of summer and Field Day weekend.
Work is proceeding at the clubhouse site and arrangements are being finalized to dispose of the old trailer and move the new one in place.
Last Friday I had the opportunity to have lunch with several club members at the Seven Seas diner. Joining us was Ray Schnapp, WB2NBJ who we hadn’t seen in some time. I’m pleased to report that Ray and his XYL, Marge are both doing well. Ray has been a member of the club for many years and is to be commended for his service. This past weekend he was busy removing items from the old trailer that will be reused on the new one.
It turns out that both he and I grew up in Queens, NY. We both remember visiting Radio Row which was located downtown New York City on the site of what was to be the World Trade Center towers. Shops after shops of military surplus radios and hard to find tubes, component parts, etc. Ray attended a vocational trade school where he studied electronics.
After graduation from high school he joined the Navy where he again studied electronics. He was in the Navy from 1950 through 1954. During this time he served aboard the USS San Pablo, a Navy destroyer with its home port at the Philadelphia Naval shipyard. He held the classification as an electronic technician. After the Navy, Ray and Marge raised their family in South Jersey where Ray retired as an instrument technician after many years.
Ray enjoys working 20 meter SSB and participates in a morning net with his friends. He also enjoys
working 20 meter mobile operation. His HF equipment consists of both Ten Tec and Yaesu radios, with a Cushcraft Tri band yagi up at 45 feet. Ray is a very interesting person and we’re privileged to have him a member of the club.
Our next general membership meeting will feature our very own Darrell, AB2E who will share his
experiences related to DX-Expeditions. Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
Thanks and 73,
Tom, KE2ES
July 2013
July is upon us and with it comes the celebration of Independence Day! June was a busy month for the club and Field Day 2013 was enjoyed by all. It was great seeing folks that we hadn’t seen in some time. The preliminary results will be announced at our next general membership meeting which is scheduled for Wednesday, July 3rd at Pfeiffer Community Center at 7:30 pm.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all those that came out and supported the club during Field Day and we could not have asked for nicer weather. It was absolutely gorgeous out there! Special recognition is extended to both Mark, W2OCY and Kyle, W2KBT who co-chaired this year’s planned event. They both did an excellent job as did Wayne, WA2LET, Bill, NJ2S, Ray, WB2NBJ and others within the club. Thanks again for making this such a success!
Progress is continuing to be made on the installation of the new clubhouse trailer. Bill, N2VIL expects to have all permits in place by mid-July.
Efforts are currently underway to plan for this year’s hamfest which will be held on Sunday, September 15th at the Gloucester County 4H grounds. In order to help defray some additional costs, the board of directors recently voted an increase of $2.00 on the general admission ticket price which brings the total to $8.00. Ticket prices for tail gate and vendor spaces were not increased over last year.
Please welcome Ernest Kraus, KD2EAV of Landisville and Barry Ballurio, KC2PHF of Woodbury as new club members. They both have Technician Class licenses.
Hope to see all at our next general membership meeting. Jim, N2GXJ has arranged for it to be a pizza night with videos including one covering Field Day 2013 by Gary, WA3SVW.
Tom, KE2ES
August 2013
July proved to be a busy month with the destruction and hauling off of the old trailer from our clubhouse site. Bill, N2VIL and his team of volunteers are to be commended for the events leading up to this major milestone including securing all required construction permits for the new trailer. Bill is now busy scheduling new work assignments regarding placement of the new trailer where the old one stood. In addition, a sizable effort will be required by the club to begin outfitting the new trailer for required improvements and getting it ready to be fully functional. A key objective of the club’s leadership is to insure the work is done in accordance with the highest workmanship standards and the use of quality materials in order to have the clubhouse be a showcase for both the Amateur Radio community and general public.
That said, in reviewing the work effort completed to date, it would appear that it’s been the same group of volunteers that have come out and supported this effort. Suffice it to say that Bill urgently needs other club members to come out and complete this work. After all, the entire membership stands to benefit by having this project come to a successful conclusion within the shortest time period. That said, please reply favorably to Bill’s upcoming requests for additional volunteers where he will (as always) specify what work assignments he’s planning and the approximate time duration. In this way, we can decrease the time interval required to complete these tasks and have the clubhouse ready for use for the entire general membership to enjoy. For example, we have several new hams within the club that don’t yet have an HF station set up at their home and would really benefit from the world class station set up at the clubhouse along with participating in upcoming technical forums, seminars, meetings, etc.
As of this writing we have not yet identified the failure within the 147.18 machine and unfortunately, it’s still off the air. We have a spare repeater that we could install but there appears to be a question regarding the performance of the current antenna atop the Pitman water tower which could require a tower climb to inspect both the antenna and coaxial cable. That said, over the past couple of weeks, several members have contacted me suggesting that the repeater be moved to another site. I plan to bring this up at our next general membership meeting.
In closing, John, K2ZA will give an informative presentation on D-Star at the August general membership meeting. What it is and how to use it. Finally, congratulations are extended to all those that passed their General Class license exam in July! Thanks again John, K2ZA and Cory, WA3UVV for teaching the class…
Tom, KE2ES
September 2013
September is upon us and with it comes Labor Day weekend, the end of summer and our annual hamfest which will be held on Sunday, September 15th. At the September 4th general membership meeting, I’ll be requesting volunteers to help work this event and make it as successful as last year’s.
Work is proceeding at the clubhouse site and once the ground has been leveled the new trailer will be moved into its final resting place. A couple of rooms have been gutted along with removal of defective flooring. As I said at the last general membership meeting I’m concerned that only 10% of our general membership has been actively involved in this project which leads me to believe that a majority do not support this effort and therefore have elected not to help out. I would venture to guess that completion of the new clubhouse will extend well into next year at the current pace if it gets completed at all. I leave it up to the general membership to decide whether or not they want this project to come to a successful conclusion within a reasonable time frame. And if it’s decided that a majority does want this then it’s time for the members to stand up and volunteer to help. If however, it’s decided not to continue then I suggest the project be cancelled and have the club stop incurring any additional costs. I’ve already listed the perceived benefits of having a completed clubhouse in my August President’s message but quite possibly I may be in the minority with this thought pattern. Think about it in that it’s your club and every member has a say as to how they either want to proceed with this project or not.
As most of you know the 147.18 repeater is back in operation at the Pitman water tower site. A complete equipment change out less the antenna system was recently conducted by Al, KB2AYU. The new repeater that’s currently in service was donated to the club last year by Harry, W2FLY. Prior to this, the repeater was fully operational at the 145.21 site in Waterford Works. With the help of Gary, N2QEE new 147.18/78 crystals were ordered, tested and Harry installed them in the repeater and conducted full system tests before we picked it up where it was stored for over a year. That said, I have every confidence in the operational performance of this machine. However, if persistent coverage problems are reported by system users then plans need to be put in action to relocate the machine to a more suitable location after the antenna system is fully tested and found to be operational.
As we approach the 4th quarter of this year, we’ll be looking to the general membership to submit nominations for 2014 officers and board members whose term will expire 12-31-13.
Our next general membership meeting will feature HF digital software demonstrations including Ham Radio Deluxe. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone there.
Thanks and 73,
Tom, KE2ES
October 2013
October is upon us and with it comes autumn leaves, Columbus Day and Halloween. I’d like to begin by saying that we had another great hamfest and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all those that helped to make it a huge success. Also, all those that attended from both near and far!
As of this writing, the 2 meter repeater performance is intermittent. The problem appears to be the input is getting desensitized which will again require additional investigation.
Work is continuing on the new clubhouse. A new plywood floor was installed in the VHF/UHF room and the trailer will be moved into position in October at which time it must be leveled and secured to tie-downs. Bill, N2VIL is also working with others within the club to decide which type of heating system will be installed in the clubhouse which will then be communicated to the general membership.
The club will need a replacement for Bill as overall project manager as he will be moving away from the area early next year. The next two months would best utilized training a new individual for this role in order to insure a smooth transition of responsibilities.
Nominations will be submitted at both the October and November general membership meetings with final voting taking place in December. The following positions will be nominated upon:
2014 Club Officers (1 year term)
President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary (Total 5)
Director (3 year term)
Replacement for both Art, K2AWS and Gary, WA3SVW (Total 2)
Trustee (4 year term)
Replacement for Steve, W2TDS (Total 1)
This month we welcome back a returning club member, Emil Busko, WB2EOR, and two new club members - Bill Herring, N5JWH, and Chuck Lanard, KD2EIB.
In closing, October’s program sounds real interesting. Sheldon, K2MEN and Art, K2AWS will give a presentation on radio remote control. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone there.
Thanks and 73,
Tom, KE2ES
November 2013
November is upon us and with it comes Election and Veterans Day, Hanukkah and Thanksgiving Day.
Field Day results should appear in December’s issue of QST magazine.
I’d also like to take this opportunity to welcome all our new members to the club.
As of this writing, the 2 meter repeater performance has been satisfactory and continues to be closely monitored.
Work is continuing on the new clubhouse. Bill, N2VIL has scheduled another work day for Wednesday, October 30th. Ray Martin, W2RM has agreed to step up and assume the responsibilities of Bill as Clubhouse Project Manager when he moves away from the area next January.
Nominations will again be submitted at the November general membership meetings with final voting taking place in December. The following positions will be nominated upon:
2014 Club Officers (1 year term)
President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary (Total 5)
Director (3 year term)
Replacement for both Art, K2AWS and Gary, WA3SVW (Total 2)
Trustee (4 year term)
Replacement for Steve, W2TDS and Bill, N2VIL (Total 2)
Due to the New Year’s Day holiday, Monroe Township has given us permission to hold our club meeting on Thursday, January 2, 2014 at the Pfeiffer Community Center.
In closing, November’s program sounds real interesting. Cory, WA3UVV will be presenting Morse Code (CW) operating mode and Contesting. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone there.
Thanks and 73,
Tom, KE2ES
December 2013
December is upon us and with it comes the club’s holiday dinner party on December 3rd, our general membership meeting on the 4th, the start of winter and the Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa holidays. 2013 has been a busy year for the club with several noteworthy accomplishments and I’d like to thank the entire membership for making this year such an outstanding success.
Membership increased 20%; we achieved a great Field Day score, our hamfest was another financial success, we changed out the 2 meter repeater, the new trailer was moved into place, construction permits were secured and interior work is now underway. At the current pace, the clubhouse should be completed by next spring.
As most of you know, Bill, W4WCS will be retiring to South Carolina in January. Bill has been a major contributor to the club serving as Trustee and project manager for the new clubhouse. Bill was there when we moved the trailer from the Williamstown FD to the 4-H grounds back in November 2012 all the way through anchoring it in place November 2013 and everything in between and I appreciate his service to the club and wish both he and Betty all the best in their new retirement QTH.
Ray, W2RM has stepped up to the bar and with help of Bill, NJ2S has already hit the ground running relative to continuing the work where Bill has left off. I’m convinced that with this type of leadership, knowledge and support, the clubhouse will be a real showcase for the entire membership to enjoy.
All the nominations are in for the various open club leadership positions for 2014 and beyond and will be voted upon at December’s club meeting on December 4th. I’m also looking forward to the program on high power radio/TV transmitters and antennas atop tall skyscrapers.
This will be my final President’s message and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the entire membership for allowing me to serve over the past two years which I’ve thoroughly enjoyed. We have a fantastic club and I’m excited about welcoming the new leadership as they prepare to lead us into 2014 and beyond.
In closing, amateur radio operators celebrate the world in all its glory but it’s the warm glow of Christmas’ past, old and new friends alike, that hold the fondest memories. From this old shack to yours, Season’s Greetings and Happy New Year to you and your families!
Tom, KE2ES