W2MMD QSL Information
USA contacts:
Please include an SASE (Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope).
International Contacts:
Please include $1.65 USD and an SAE (Self-Addressed Envelope).
We do use eQSL.
We do use LoTW.
Our QSL address is:
Gloucester County Amateur Radio Club
PO Box 370
Pitman, NJ USA 08071
Gloucester County Amateur Radio Club
PO Box 370
Pitman, NJ USA 08071
Global Forever Stamp
$1.65 USD
Issued by the United States Post Office at the current (Price checked on December 19, 2024) price of $1.65. This Global Forever stamp can be used to mail a one-ounce letter to any country to which First-Class Mail International® service is available.
W2MMD Is Now Live With Logbook of the World!
By Jim Wright, N2GXJ
November 25, 2020
In “the old days”, the only way to confirm a 2-way radio contact was by exchanging postcards sent using good old fashioned snail-mail or via the QSL bureau. Today, there are a number of alternative methods and services that facilitate electronic confirmations instead.
For a while now, your Club has uploaded field day and other electronic QSO records to eQSL.cc. This has been a nice service for exchanging of picture QSL cards. However, the ARRL only accepts physical QSL cards or electronic confirmations logged in their electronic QSL system for credit towards ARRL awards.
Though we do get a number of QSL postcards sent to us, asking for a return card in exchange, there has been a growing number of hams that have made contact with us here in New Jersey that would like for us to also log our contacts for them to ARRL’s electronic log system, which is called Logbook of the World (LoTW for short). These requests are received not just because of contacts made during our field day operations (where we make lots of contacts using the W2MMD callsign each year), but also for other contacts made under the W2MMD callsign from the Clubhouse. Such contacts include not only HF contacts made from the HF room (in person or remotely), but also an increasing number of 2-way ham radio satellite QSO contacts being made as a beneficiary result of various “SkunkWorks” projects becoming operational.
So now the good news! Your Club has applied for, has been granted an LoTW account by the ARRL to use with our Club’s W2MMD callsign! With this account now active, hams across the country and the world who make contact with us will be able to get the electronic confirmation they need to progress towards various ARRL awards and certificates!
As shown in Figure 1 below, the account started with no QSO records and no confirmed QSL registered. My first task was to populate this database using the same data we’d already logged for W2MMD in the eQSL database.
By Jim Wright, N2GXJ
November 25, 2020
In “the old days”, the only way to confirm a 2-way radio contact was by exchanging postcards sent using good old fashioned snail-mail or via the QSL bureau. Today, there are a number of alternative methods and services that facilitate electronic confirmations instead.
For a while now, your Club has uploaded field day and other electronic QSO records to eQSL.cc. This has been a nice service for exchanging of picture QSL cards. However, the ARRL only accepts physical QSL cards or electronic confirmations logged in their electronic QSL system for credit towards ARRL awards.
Though we do get a number of QSL postcards sent to us, asking for a return card in exchange, there has been a growing number of hams that have made contact with us here in New Jersey that would like for us to also log our contacts for them to ARRL’s electronic log system, which is called Logbook of the World (LoTW for short). These requests are received not just because of contacts made during our field day operations (where we make lots of contacts using the W2MMD callsign each year), but also for other contacts made under the W2MMD callsign from the Clubhouse. Such contacts include not only HF contacts made from the HF room (in person or remotely), but also an increasing number of 2-way ham radio satellite QSO contacts being made as a beneficiary result of various “SkunkWorks” projects becoming operational.
So now the good news! Your Club has applied for, has been granted an LoTW account by the ARRL to use with our Club’s W2MMD callsign! With this account now active, hams across the country and the world who make contact with us will be able to get the electronic confirmation they need to progress towards various ARRL awards and certificates!
As shown in Figure 1 below, the account started with no QSO records and no confirmed QSL registered. My first task was to populate this database using the same data we’d already logged for W2MMD in the eQSL database.
This resulted in a pretty big upload of just over 24,100 signed contacts, mostly from field days since 2002. After a queue delay of almost 4 hours (checked at http://www.arrl.org/logbook-queue-status), finally our results were available. For fun, here’s what they showed towards “DXCC”, once the system had accepted our contact reports and matched them with other reports already in the system. Impressive, don’t you think?