GCARC TechNet ZOOM Forum
Every Monday @ 1930 Hours
Starting on Monday, January 6, 2025, the GCARC TechNet ZOOM Forum is scheduled to be available every Monday Night until December 29, 2025.
There will not necessarily be a topic scheduled every Monday Night, but the opportunity is available to schedule succeeding topics of interest on consecutive Monday Nights.
When a TechNet ZOOM Forum is scheduled, calendar and e-mail reminders will be sent out. Notices will be posted on this website.
If scheduled in time, it will be mentioned at the General Membership and the Board of Directors Meetings.
The GCARC TechNet ZOOM Forums are a technical oriented activity.
Topics are chosen by the Club's Technical Committee based on current popular interests and Club member submissions.
Topics are chosen by the Club's Technical Committee based on current popular interests and Club member submissions.
ZOOM Meeting Log-On Information :
Meeting ID : 933 9943 3123
Passcode : 800835
Meeting ID : 933 9943 3123
Passcode : 800835
Join ZOOM Meeting Link :
TechNet ZOOM Forum Meeting Information.PDF
Monday, June 10, 2024 @ 1930 Hours
Forum Topic :
Jon Pearce, WB2MF : Using WSPR & APRS To Track Balloons
This TechNet session will cover various methods of monitoring and tracking Amateur Radio balloons such as the one that we're planning to launch early next month. It will cover the WSPR and APRS protocols and the differences between these popular balloon-based tracking processes. It will also cover using WSJT to monitor for active WSPR stations, balloons and land-based.
Monday, May 6, 2024 @ 1930 Hours
Forum Topic :
4nec2 Antenna Modeling Software
Software & files Needed for this Forum :
4nec2 Software Website - www.qsl.net/4nec2
GCARC Radio Software Series 4nec2.PDF
This ZIP File contains the following : 2024-05-06_Forum.ZIP
(1) GCARC Radio Software Series 4nec2.PDF
(2) .NEC files needed for the 4nec2 software
(1) Picture of the 70cm ground plane antenna model form
Monday, April 8, 2024 @ 1930 Hours
Forum Topic : Meshtastic Workshop 3
Monday, March 11, 2024 @ 1930 Hours
Forum Topic : Meshtastic Workshop 2
Special Additional TechNet Session
Monday, February 19, 2024 @ 1930 Hours
Forum Topic : Meshtastic Workshop 1
Meeting ID : 980 4013 6836
Passcode : 669167
Monday, February 12, 2024 @ 1930 Hours
Forum Topic :
Introduction To Meshtastic Radios
Many attendees at the February 7, 2024 General Membership Meeting expressed interest in the Meshtastic radios that were presented and that are being used to build amateur radio mesh networks within the Club area. Below is some information on obtaining those radios and getting started.
Buying the radio
First, here's<https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FYWFH4C?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details> the Amazon link to the Heltec S3 radio mentioned in the presentation. This is a general purpose radio and seems to work well. It uses the common ESP32 microcontroller ship that is useful for other purposes such as adding buttons or notification devices (lights, buzzers, etc.). Other radios will work with Meshtastic as shown on this link<https://meshtastic.org/docs/hardware/devices/>, but be careful to only choose those in the 433 megahertz band, as other radios won't work for our purposes. These radios require a USB cable that transmits data (not just charging), and here's<https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082Z1YYRK?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1> a link to cables that work if you don't have one already. NOTE - be sure to have an antenna connected before you power up the radio since it will start transmitting as soon as you set it up. Also - the antennas that come with these radios are really bad (some are actually for the 800 mhz radios rather than the 433 MHz units) so use a better antenna for 433 MHz if you have one. Here<https://www.aliexpress.com/store/1102185489/pages/all-items.html?productGroupId=40000002187602&spm=a2g0o.detail.0.0.79ac14b8ZHDGNe&storeId=1102185489&sortType=bestmatch_sort&shop_sortType=bestmatch_sort> is a source for decent antennas.
Initial setup
The Meshtastic website<https://meshtastic.org/docs/getting-started/> provides lots of good information on getting started with these radios. Briefly, you flash the firmware on to the radio using this<https://flasher.meshtastic.org/> website and then connect to the radio with your mobile device using Bluetooth and configure it. Alternatively, you can provide the login information for your wireless network, enable the device for that network (which will disable its Bluetooth radio) and then connect through a web browser. You can do much of the setup using your mobile device but unfortunately you don't seem to be able to set the frequency or extended call signs so you'll need to use the serial interface described below for that.
You'll need the serial interface
You can use the serial interface through the USB cable after installing the Meshtastic software on your PC. You'll need the serial interface for some of the setup so it's useful to get that working soon. That interface is described<https://meshtastic.org/docs/software/python/cli/installation/> as the Python CLI, here<https://meshtastic.org/docs/software/python/cli/installation/> is info on installing it on a PC. You'll first need to install Python on your PC if it's not already installed, using these<https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/install-python-windows-10> instructions.
What's the Python CLI is installed you open a command or PowerShell window on your computer and give Meshtastic commands as described here<https://meshtastic.org/docs/software/python/cli/installation/>.
Those that are initially important are the following :
That will get you started - if you set up using those commands and you're anywhere near other nodes you should start to see a nodes list populate on your portable device. You can also get a nodes list with the command Meshtastic --nodes .
Discord Channel
There's an ongoing discussion on the GCARC Discord channel about these radios. You can join that discussion with this link: https://discord.gg/pYXJ8G6P
YouTube channels
There are many YouTube channels that discuss Meshtastic. Some are listed below :
The Comms Channel : https://www.youtube.com/@The_Comms_Channel
Andreas Spiess : https://www.youtube.com/@AndreasSpiess
Meshtastic : https://www.youtube.com/@Meshtastic
There's a lot more information available but I wanted to get this initial email out early to let those interested order their devices. Hopefully many members will get involved and we can build a pretty interesting mesh network throughout the area.
73 de Jon WB2MNF
Buying the radio
First, here's<https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FYWFH4C?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details> the Amazon link to the Heltec S3 radio mentioned in the presentation. This is a general purpose radio and seems to work well. It uses the common ESP32 microcontroller ship that is useful for other purposes such as adding buttons or notification devices (lights, buzzers, etc.). Other radios will work with Meshtastic as shown on this link<https://meshtastic.org/docs/hardware/devices/>, but be careful to only choose those in the 433 megahertz band, as other radios won't work for our purposes. These radios require a USB cable that transmits data (not just charging), and here's<https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082Z1YYRK?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1> a link to cables that work if you don't have one already. NOTE - be sure to have an antenna connected before you power up the radio since it will start transmitting as soon as you set it up. Also - the antennas that come with these radios are really bad (some are actually for the 800 mhz radios rather than the 433 MHz units) so use a better antenna for 433 MHz if you have one. Here<https://www.aliexpress.com/store/1102185489/pages/all-items.html?productGroupId=40000002187602&spm=a2g0o.detail.0.0.79ac14b8ZHDGNe&storeId=1102185489&sortType=bestmatch_sort&shop_sortType=bestmatch_sort> is a source for decent antennas.
Initial setup
The Meshtastic website<https://meshtastic.org/docs/getting-started/> provides lots of good information on getting started with these radios. Briefly, you flash the firmware on to the radio using this<https://flasher.meshtastic.org/> website and then connect to the radio with your mobile device using Bluetooth and configure it. Alternatively, you can provide the login information for your wireless network, enable the device for that network (which will disable its Bluetooth radio) and then connect through a web browser. You can do much of the setup using your mobile device but unfortunately you don't seem to be able to set the frequency or extended call signs so you'll need to use the serial interface described below for that.
You'll need the serial interface
You can use the serial interface through the USB cable after installing the Meshtastic software on your PC. You'll need the serial interface for some of the setup so it's useful to get that working soon. That interface is described<https://meshtastic.org/docs/software/python/cli/installation/> as the Python CLI, here<https://meshtastic.org/docs/software/python/cli/installation/> is info on installing it on a PC. You'll first need to install Python on your PC if it's not already installed, using these<https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/install-python-windows-10> instructions.
What's the Python CLI is installed you open a command or PowerShell window on your computer and give Meshtastic commands as described here<https://meshtastic.org/docs/software/python/cli/installation/>.
Those that are initially important are the following :
- meshtastic --set lora.region US --set-ham WB2MNF-PRT --set-owner-short PRT (use your own callsign and optionally append an identifier for the particular unit. PRT refers to my portable unit; MOB is often mobile, QTH is fixed, etc. The --set-ham command will instruct the radio to identify every 10 minutes, turn off encryption and also turn off the power limits on the unit.)
- meshtastic --set lora.modem_preset VERY_LONG_SLOW (this sets the transmission protocol to the one that we're now using locally. This will probably change in the near future.)
- meshtastic --set lora.override_frequency 433.750 (this will set to the frequency that we're currently using. This will change in the near future.)
- meshtastic --setlat 39.84275 --setlon -75.11501 (this allows you to set your latitude and longitude for a fixed location with a Lora unit that doesn't have a GPS. Obviously use your OWN latitude and longitude!)
That will get you started - if you set up using those commands and you're anywhere near other nodes you should start to see a nodes list populate on your portable device. You can also get a nodes list with the command Meshtastic --nodes .
Discord Channel
There's an ongoing discussion on the GCARC Discord channel about these radios. You can join that discussion with this link: https://discord.gg/pYXJ8G6P
YouTube channels
There are many YouTube channels that discuss Meshtastic. Some are listed below :
The Comms Channel : https://www.youtube.com/@The_Comms_Channel
Andreas Spiess : https://www.youtube.com/@AndreasSpiess
Meshtastic : https://www.youtube.com/@Meshtastic
There's a lot more information available but I wanted to get this initial email out early to let those interested order their devices. Hopefully many members will get involved and we can build a pretty interesting mesh network throughout the area.
73 de Jon WB2MNF
Monday, January 8, 2024 @ 1930 Hours
Forum Topic :
Interfacing Computers To Ham Radio Equipment
Monday, December 11, 2023 @ 1930 Hours
Current Training Class :
John Zaruba Jr, K2ZA : System Fusion
Operations &Techniques
Monday, November 13, 2023 @ 1930 Hours
Current Training Class :
Concepts and Techniques of Meteor Scatter Operation in Preparation for the Leonid Meteor Shower on November 17th - 18th
Monday, October 9, 2023 @ 1930 Hours
Current Training Class :
Review of Len Rust W2LJR's DMR Presentation on Advanced DMR Topics
Training Class : Audacity® Audio Editor
Training Instructor : Carl Wittig, N2CRW
Training Instructor : Carl Wittig, N2CRW
Monday, January 20, 2025 @ 1930 Hours
Forum Topic : WSJT-X/FT8/LoTW
Training Instructor : Steve Farney, W2SEF
ZOOM Meeting ID : 933 9943 3123; Passcode : 800835
Join ZOOM Meeting Link :
Topics include, but not limited to :
- Time Synchronization - Dimension 4
- Logging Programs
- JS8Call — Phone style FT8
- YouTube videos on how to use WSJT-X
The PDF below contains information you need to get started using WSJT-X (FT8 software) LoTW-TQSL (Logbook Of The World), logging programs
FT8 Basic Goals and Outline.PDF
LoTW / WSJT-X / FT8 Information Resources
LoTW in a Second or New Computer.PDF
Moving LoTW to Another Computer.PDF
Hypertext for Basic FT8 training session.PDF
Download WSJT-X Software : https://wsjt.sourceforge.io/wsjtx.html
FT8 Operating Guide By Gary Hinson ZL2IFB
Download Dimension 4 PC Clock Synchronizing Software
Below are some FT8 YouTube videos suggested by Steve Farney, W2SEF
Moving LoTW to Another Computer.PDF
Hypertext for Basic FT8 training session.PDF
Download WSJT-X Software : https://wsjt.sourceforge.io/wsjtx.html
FT8 Operating Guide By Gary Hinson ZL2IFB
Download Dimension 4 PC Clock Synchronizing Software
Below are some FT8 YouTube videos suggested by Steve Farney, W2SEF
- Getting started with FT8 : https://youtu.be/XkoQ9FD5KX8
- Playing on FT8 and WSPR HF Digital Modes : https://youtu.be/EimvUVWsGI4
- FT8 Intro & Tutorial : https://youtu.be/ZmXQs17Mi5I
- 15 Things I’ve Learned About FT8 : https://youtu.be/BcInFASJUd4
The "DigiNet" RTTY Training Class
ZOOM Meeting
Monday, December 12, 2022 @ 2000 Hours
Special DigiNet for RTTY on December 12, 2022
In preparation for this contest, GCARC will host a special DigiNet meeting on Monday, December 12, 2022 to get members up to speed on this “old-fashioned” operational mode. RTTY is natively supported in FLDigi so anyone who’s already set up on this program should need no additional steps to run RTTY.
This session will be via Zoom using the 2 Meter repeater for testing the mode (although the actual contest will be on HF). The session will begin at 2000 Hours with the meeting room opening at 1930 Hours so that attendees can get their configurations right prior to the meeting start time. Jon Pearce WB2MNF will be the presenter.
Please consider attending this meeting so that you can get familiar with - or for the old hands, get a refresher on - the RTTY methodologies. It will be a huge help for those who decide to participate in the January contest.
In preparation for this contest, GCARC will host a special DigiNet meeting on Monday, December 12, 2022 to get members up to speed on this “old-fashioned” operational mode. RTTY is natively supported in FLDigi so anyone who’s already set up on this program should need no additional steps to run RTTY.
This session will be via Zoom using the 2 Meter repeater for testing the mode (although the actual contest will be on HF). The session will begin at 2000 Hours with the meeting room opening at 1930 Hours so that attendees can get their configurations right prior to the meeting start time. Jon Pearce WB2MNF will be the presenter.
Please consider attending this meeting so that you can get familiar with - or for the old hands, get a refresher on - the RTTY methodologies. It will be a huge help for those who decide to participate in the January contest.
FLDIGI Information Resources
Source Forge FLDIGI Download Site
Another source of FLDIGI software is from the software
author David Freese, W1HKJ
Below are documents authored by Gary Mirkin, WA3SVW
Please contact Gary at mirkin3 <at> gmail <dot> com for more information
FLDIGI 2014 Course Part One.PDF
FLDIGI 2014 Course Part Two.PDF
Training Class : MMSSTV
Training Instructor : Gary Mirkin, WA3SVW
Training Instructor : Gary Mirkin, WA3SVW
MMSSTV Information Resources
MMSSTV Primer 2021.PDF
MMSSTV Main Screen Layout.PDF
With Alphabetized Index
Separate Sheet For Easy Reference
Hamsoft Main Screen.PDF
Web Page Image Showing What & What Not To Click On
Help Document By The Original MMSSTV Author
Training Class : Introduction To VARA (HF & FM)
Training Instructor : Mike Thompson, KG4JYA
Training Instructor : Mike Thompson, KG4JYA
This training class will include the setup and use of VARA (FM & HF)
and the use of WinLink with both.
and the use of WinLink with both.
VARA (FM & HF) and WinLink® Information Resources
WinLink Website : https://winlink.org
Installing WinLink And Creating Your Account - A Quick Start Guide YouTube Video : https://youtu.be/qSLghO6RgFU
Quick Setup Guide For VARA FM PDF :
Quick Setup Guide For VARA FM PDF :
Bob KD2NEC suggests viewing K4REF videos on YouTube for information about WinLink : https://www.youtube.com/user/K4REF/videos
Wednesday Weekly WinLink Exercise
Southern New Jersey Section EmComm Forum