Life Membership Opportunity
Annual dues for Full Membership are $30. Though $30 might not seem like much, to the Club, it’s huge, as dues represent the second largest source of income in our operating budget each year. We thank you in advance for your January payment!
But after your payment, which keeps your membership in good standing, there is another opportunity that you might not have been aware of, that you might like to consider. And that is the opportunity to apply for Life Membership in the Gloucester County Amateur Radio Club.
For the select few of you that might be interested and are considering applying for Life Membership, Article VI, Section 3 of our Club’s Constitution defines the details, but let me summarize them here.
If you’re a member in good standing with our Club, and hold a valid Amateur Radio license, you may apply to the Board of Directors for Life Membership. You can do that via written petition, delivered to myself, on the Contact GCARC page, or one of the other Club officers, or sent via snail mail to our Club’s mailing address. You may also appear in person at a Board of Directors meeting to deliver your petition in person. As they do for new member applications, the Board of Directors will review any petitions they have received at their next regularly scheduled board meeting. The Board of Directors meet on the third Wednesday of every month at 1900 Hours at our W2MMD Clubhouse at the Gloucester County 4-H Fairgrounds in Mullica Hill, NJ.
As specified in the Constitution, if approved, the candidate shall pay dues equal to twenty (20) times the current “short rate” annual dues. With annual dues presently at $30, this would be a one-time dues payment of 20 x $30 = $600. The payment can be made as a lump sum, or in three equal payments within one year of the approval. Note that the Constitution also says that under no circumstances will payments for life membership be refundable.
If you think you might be interested, and you have any additional questions, please email them to me, and then we can set up a time to discuss.
Thank you, Jim Wright, jim.n2gxj <at> gmail <dot> com.
But after your payment, which keeps your membership in good standing, there is another opportunity that you might not have been aware of, that you might like to consider. And that is the opportunity to apply for Life Membership in the Gloucester County Amateur Radio Club.
For the select few of you that might be interested and are considering applying for Life Membership, Article VI, Section 3 of our Club’s Constitution defines the details, but let me summarize them here.
If you’re a member in good standing with our Club, and hold a valid Amateur Radio license, you may apply to the Board of Directors for Life Membership. You can do that via written petition, delivered to myself, on the Contact GCARC page, or one of the other Club officers, or sent via snail mail to our Club’s mailing address. You may also appear in person at a Board of Directors meeting to deliver your petition in person. As they do for new member applications, the Board of Directors will review any petitions they have received at their next regularly scheduled board meeting. The Board of Directors meet on the third Wednesday of every month at 1900 Hours at our W2MMD Clubhouse at the Gloucester County 4-H Fairgrounds in Mullica Hill, NJ.
As specified in the Constitution, if approved, the candidate shall pay dues equal to twenty (20) times the current “short rate” annual dues. With annual dues presently at $30, this would be a one-time dues payment of 20 x $30 = $600. The payment can be made as a lump sum, or in three equal payments within one year of the approval. Note that the Constitution also says that under no circumstances will payments for life membership be refundable.
If you think you might be interested, and you have any additional questions, please email them to me, and then we can set up a time to discuss.
Thank you, Jim Wright, jim.n2gxj <at> gmail <dot> com.