2018 - Programs, Activities, and Supported Events |
What’s up for the 2018 Meeting Programs?
By Jim Clark, KA2OSV
As Vice President, one of my duties is to organize the programs for the meetings. I have a few lined up for this year already, but if there is something or someone you would like to see at a meeting please let me know and I will try to make it happen.
Planning has started for the new year, and already we’ve got quite a few suggestions on the “wish list”. Some are things we like to do each year, so we put some money in the budget for them. These include the monthly club meetings and educational guest speakers program, and major yearly club events like Field Day, Hamfest, GCARC Family Picnic, and the Holiday Dinner. But we also like to do other things too. Our monthly Tech Saturday Forum (celebrating it's 4th anniversary) out at our Clubhouse is part socializing, part “Elmering” in a more 1-on-1 or casual small group setting – ideal to learn how to use that great new radio you picked up over the holidays, or to play radio at the club’s station, or for pretty much any other radio related questions that you would like to try and have answered.
We support ARES/RACES emergency communications preparedness activities. We offer radio communications support to several local charity walks and bike rides. We participate in Skywarn in conjunction with the National Weather service. We’ve made presentations with hands-on radio demonstrations to local Scouting groups. We support volunteer examiner program for license upgrade testing. Our members participate in on-air special events, often from our Clubhouse station as was done during the 2014 W1AW Portable Stations operations, and annually during the Original 13 Colonies On-The-Air.
Many of our members are avid DX chasers, often using the Clubhouse or another club member’s superstation to hunt the airwaves for new countries they can contact, or to participat in international DX contests. We’ve had field trip outings to be guest operators on board the Battleship New Jersey, and have run an occasional radio direction finding hidden transmitter “fox hunt” that can be entertaining for the whole family.
Have an idea for an activity or event that you would like to see?
How about a guest speaker you know, or maybe something you yourself could share at our next club meeting? Let’s hear from you!
What activity or event would you like to see in 2018?
By Jim Clark, KA2OSV
As Vice President, one of my duties is to organize the programs for the meetings. I have a few lined up for this year already, but if there is something or someone you would like to see at a meeting please let me know and I will try to make it happen.
Planning has started for the new year, and already we’ve got quite a few suggestions on the “wish list”. Some are things we like to do each year, so we put some money in the budget for them. These include the monthly club meetings and educational guest speakers program, and major yearly club events like Field Day, Hamfest, GCARC Family Picnic, and the Holiday Dinner. But we also like to do other things too. Our monthly Tech Saturday Forum (celebrating it's 4th anniversary) out at our Clubhouse is part socializing, part “Elmering” in a more 1-on-1 or casual small group setting – ideal to learn how to use that great new radio you picked up over the holidays, or to play radio at the club’s station, or for pretty much any other radio related questions that you would like to try and have answered.
We support ARES/RACES emergency communications preparedness activities. We offer radio communications support to several local charity walks and bike rides. We participate in Skywarn in conjunction with the National Weather service. We’ve made presentations with hands-on radio demonstrations to local Scouting groups. We support volunteer examiner program for license upgrade testing. Our members participate in on-air special events, often from our Clubhouse station as was done during the 2014 W1AW Portable Stations operations, and annually during the Original 13 Colonies On-The-Air.
Many of our members are avid DX chasers, often using the Clubhouse or another club member’s superstation to hunt the airwaves for new countries they can contact, or to participat in international DX contests. We’ve had field trip outings to be guest operators on board the Battleship New Jersey, and have run an occasional radio direction finding hidden transmitter “fox hunt” that can be entertaining for the whole family.
Have an idea for an activity or event that you would like to see?
How about a guest speaker you know, or maybe something you yourself could share at our next club meeting? Let’s hear from you!
What activity or event would you like to see in 2018?
Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month at 1930 Hours at:
Pfeiffer Community Center
301 Blue Bell Road (Main Street and Blue Bell Road)
Williamstown, NJ 08094
GPS Heading : 39.682622°, -74.993315°
January 3, 2018
General Membership Meeting
Joe Everhart, N2CX
Portable Operating in NPOTA (National Parks On The Air) and POTA (Parks On The Air)
February 7, 2018
General Membership Meeting
March 7, 2018
General Membership Meeting
Cancelled because of weather
April 4, 2018
General Membership Meeting
APRS and Emergency Communications
Presented by: VP Bruce Canino, KD2LBU
Presented by: VP Bruce Canino, KD2LBU
May 2, 2018
General Membership Meeting
D-STAR, DMR, and Yaesu System Fusion
Overview, Comparsion, and there use with Hot Spots
Presented by: Harold Garron Jr, AC2BK
Overview, Comparsion, and there use with Hot Spots
Presented by: Harold Garron Jr, AC2BK
June 6, 2018
General Membership Meeting
FREE Pizza, Swap 'N' Shop, and Field Day Preview
During the business portion of the meeting, we’ll finalize our Field Day plans for later in the month.
Also, if you have any mid-year items you don’t want to hold onto until our Hamfest in September to swap or sell, you are welcome to bring them to this meeting to put on a side table to show off, giving fellow club members a first chance to look at, to swap, and/or buy.
What doesn’t sell, you, as a club member, are welcome to get posted for free on our club’s website, with pictures if you have them, under the “Swap Meet” tab. This is a great service offered by our club.
Also, if you have any mid-year items you don’t want to hold onto until our Hamfest in September to swap or sell, you are welcome to bring them to this meeting to put on a side table to show off, giving fellow club members a first chance to look at, to swap, and/or buy.
What doesn’t sell, you, as a club member, are welcome to get posted for free on our club’s website, with pictures if you have them, under the “Swap Meet” tab. This is a great service offered by our club.
July 11, 2018
General Membership Meeting
Field Day Review with pictures and scores
August 1, 2018
General Membership Meeting
Hamfest Volunteer Sign-Ups
2018 GCARC Family Picnic
Saturday, August 18, 2018
1130 to 1500 Hours
W2MMD Clubhouse
September 5, 2018
General Membership Meeting
John has over three years of experience operating RHR stations. He will demonstrate what it's like to make contacts using an Elecraft K3/0 Mini control head and the time-proven web interface that RHR provides, including useful features, such as Chat, Log, DX Spots, Station, and Calendar. Once he has gone over the basics, John will make several contacts - possibly from Puerto Rico or Haiti.
Plus a Hamfest 2018 Preview and Mark WA2DIY will give demonstration of the new Skype meeting equipment
Sunday, September 16, 2018
ARRL Southern New Jersey Section Convention
and 40th Annual Hamfest
Presented By The Gloucester County Amateur Radio Club
October 3, 2018
General Membership Meeting
Plus a Hamfest 2018 Review
Also on the agenda for the October Meeting is the nominations for 2019 Club Officers
October 6, 2018
Tech Saturday Forum
W2MMD Clubhouse
Randy Smith, WU2S President of AREDN, Inc www.arednmesh.org Facebook : www.facebook.com/groups/aredn Forum Topic : MESH Networking |
November 7, 2018
General Membership Meeting
Skype Meeting With: Gordon West, WB6NOA HamNation co-host Amateur Radio Licensing Instructor Author of the Gordon West License Study Guides www.gordonwestradioschool.com |
Plus final submission of nominees for the 2019 Club Officer Elections, Petty's Island update, Shed rebuilding update, and Fox Hunt XII update
November 10, 2018
Tech Saturday Forum
Open Discussion Of All Amateur Radio Topics
W2MMD Clubhouse @ 0900 Hours
Shed Rebuilding Work Party
To Be Scheduled
W2MMD Clubhouse Site
December 5, 2018
General Membership Meeting
Skype Meeting With: Josh Nass, KI6NAZ aka "Hoshnasi" YouTube Presenter Presentation : DIY Antennas www.youtube.com/user/hoshnasi @HOSHNASI |