ARRL New Jersey State Convention and 39th Annual Hamfest
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Gloucester County 4-H Fairgrounds
235 Bridgeton Pike (Route 77), Mullica Hill, NJ
2017 Hamfest Door Prize Winners |
Callsign | Prize |
W2M Special Event Station Log - Ops: Tony W2WCC |
Time | Call | Band | Freq | Mode | GridĀ² | Location | Comments |
September 10, 2017 |
Hamfest VE Session Summary
15 candidates with 11 passing their exams:
Breakdown by point of origin:
- 2 Upgrades to Amateur Extra Class
- 6 Upgrades to General Class
- 3 New Technician Class
Breakdown by point of origin:
- Gloucester County : 5
- Burlington County : 1
- Philadelphia : 2
- Delaware : 2
- North Jersey : 2
Hamfest Kudos
I would like to give Bob Fields, KC6AOH, an attaboy for an outstanding job in getting door prizes for the Hamfest.
73 Urb W1UL
Many thanks to the hard work of the hosting club, the GCARC (W2MMD). Also, thanks to all the other participating clubs who helped make this a great event for our Section.
ARRL Southern New Jersey Section
Section Manager: Skip Arey, N2EI
73 Urb W1UL
Many thanks to the hard work of the hosting club, the GCARC (W2MMD). Also, thanks to all the other participating clubs who helped make this a great event for our Section.
ARRL Southern New Jersey Section
Section Manager: Skip Arey, N2EI
Hamfest Speaker's Forum
By Ron Block, NR2B and Bill Price, NJ2S
Hamfest Co-Chairmen
The 39th Annual GCARC Hamfest at the Gloucester County 4-H Fairgrounds in Mullica Hill, NJ, is almost upon us. September 10, 2017 is the big day and it is fast approaching. Ours is one of the biggest Hamfest events in the tri-state area with more than 500 attendees and over 70 tailgaters and vendors. But this year, we have added something HUGE which will make the Hamfest even better.
We have been named by the ARRL as their official New Jersey State Convention! That means in addition to all the customary activities such as an array of large vendors, VEC testing, DXCC-VUCC-WAS card checking, fabulous door prizes and the ham social event of the year, we will have 4 outstanding speakers addressing current trend setting topics of interest to all. Here they are:
07:50 AM : Welcome Remarks :
- Ron Block NR2B, GCARC Hamfest Co-Chairman and Speaker's Forum Manager
- Harry Elwell K2ATX, GCARC President
- Skip Arey N2EI, ARRL Southern New Jersey Section Manager
- Tom Abernethy W3TOM, ARRL Atlantic Division Director
08:00 AM : System Fusion : Cory G B Sickles WA3UVV Magazine columnist and GCARC Life Member Cory Sickles, WA3UVV, was recently hired as the General Manager of the Amateur Radio Division of Yaesu USA. Cory will be presenting a preview of the newest advances in digital voice technology - System Fusion II - with new products, new networking concepts, and enhanced education and support options. Some equipment demonstrations, plus Q&A time will follow throughout the morning. |
09:00 AM : Portable Satellite Communications : John A Zaruba Jr. K2ZA Taking your gear outside presents one of the most economical ways to get started with ham radio satellites. Its fast-paced, contest style operation lets you scratch that competitive itch anytime. Being immune from vagaries of ionospheric propagation lets you schedule contacts with confidence, and grid square chasing can be a new adventure for the DXer who has “worked it all”. There are also plenty of opportunities for the DIY ham who wants to homebrew cool projects. Amateur Radio Satellites are rocket science for the rest of us! |
10:00 AM : Introduction to the JTs (and one “FT”) : Steven R Ford WB8IMY Editor QST With declining HF propagation conditions, you need all the help you can get. Discover the amazing performance of JT65, JT9, and the new FT8 digital modes. Amateurs are making contacts even when bands are supposedly “dead.” You can, too! |
11:00 AM : Current Trends in Amateur Radio Public Service Communication : Tony Otlowski W2WCC We will explore how current technological advances are driving changes in how amateurs provide public service communications. Some of the topics explored will be digital voice modes, MESH networking, and various forms of data communication. You will develop a basic understanding of the changing nature of amateur radio and public service communications. |
I hope you will have an opportunity to visit the hamfest on September 10th. Many members have already volunteered to support this event. So, mark the date on your calendars. See you there.